September 29th, 2022breast augmentation loans
When is the right time for breast augmentation loan
With the ability to address asymmetry, enhance breast size or restore the appearance of the breasts after illness or trauma, a breast augmentation is a commonly desired procedure across Australia.

The right time to undergo the procedure can depend on a variety of personal factors, and can sometimes come at a time where you may need some financial assistance.
Since the costs of a breast augmentation can be quite high, some patients may decide to apply for a breast augmentation loan to undergo the procedure at the right time in their lives.
Standing for Total Lifestyle Credit, TLC can provide a personalised payment plan, supporting you with a stress-free solution to surgery costs. Read on to find out more about how our loans work and what to consider before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure.
What a breast augmentation can achieve
A breast augmentation can have many benefits for patients who seek the procedure for a variety of reasons. Some patients may wish to achieve symmetry, enhance the size of their breasts or restore the appearance of their breasts after trauma or illness.
Breast augmentations can:
- Enhance breast size
- Improve the shape of the breasts
- Create symmetry
- Restore the appearance of nipples or breast shape after injury
- Make desired aesthetic improvements tailored to your personal needs
When achieving your personal goals for the procedure, a breast augmentation can boost your confidence, increase the level of comfort in your own skin and even improve physical comfort, such as by making wearing clothes more comfortable.
Is it the right time to undergo a breast augmentation?
Ultimately, the decision to have a breast augmentation is highly personal and the right time will depend on your certainly in undergoing the procedure and if you feel ready.
The initial healing and recovery time after the procedure can last for about four to six weeks, which can prompt some factors to consider when deciding if it’s the right time for surgery. These factors may include:
- If you are planning to have a child within the next year after the procedure
- Any important events scheduled too soon after the date of your procedure that you may not be able to enjoy while still recovering
- The current season – some patients prefer to undergo the procedure in winter as you will need to avoid excessive sun and heat exposure during your recovery
- If you have any sporting events scheduled, as you will need to avoid strenuous exercise during recovery
- If you can take time off work to undergo the procedure and recover at home
- If you have the time and resources to be able to recover from the procedure
Generally, you should be able to discuss your readiness to undergo the procedure with a surgeon at your preferred clinic. Your surgeon may be able to provide you with expert advice on when to undergo the procedure, that considers your personal lifestyle factors.
The costs of a breast augmentation: Why apply for a loan?
As an invasive surgery that requires a high level of skill and experience to be performed effectively, a breast augmentation should be performed by a knowledgeable and experienced surgeon. When it comes to surgery, opting for the cheapest option should not be your goal, and instead you will want to focus on achieving great results and minimising potential risks and complications.
Generally, the total costs of a breast augmentation will be influenced by a number of factors. The fees associated with a cosmetic procedure can depend on:
- The experience and qualification level of the surgeon
- Your personal factors such as the condition of your breasts and any health conditions to take into consideration
- Consultation fees
- Anaesthesia fees
- Hospital fees
- Your desired results
Sometimes, the fees can be higher than what many patients can afford straight away. However, we believe that costs should not hold you back from undergoing a potentially life changing, confidence boosting procedure – we’re here to help!
How does a TLC loan work?
At TLC, we make the loan application process simple and straightforward.
To get your loan, first you will need to complete an application. You can do this online or over the phone, as long as you have any important documents ready.
Our team will then process your application and hopefully approve your loan. Once it has been approved, we will go through the terms and conditions of the loan with you.
Finally, you will then need to electronically sign or sign in person, so that the funds can be paid into the account of your choice.
Applying for a loan: What you will need
To apply for a breast augmentation loan with TLC, your credit provider will need to verify your ability to repay the loan.
First, of course, you will need to be eligible to apply for a loan. Applications should be at least 18 years of age, an Australian resident, and be able to provide proof of income and identity with the necessary supporting documents.
Your credit provider may take a look at your credit report and ask you to provide:
- Latest payslips
- Bank account statements, typically for 90 days
- Australian passport
- Australian driver’s licence or proof of age card
- Medicare card
- Loan statements
- A letter from your accountant (if you are self-employed)
- Other documents such as credit contracts or bills
To learn more about how our loans work and what you need to do to apply, visit our website or give us a call today.
TLC loan options
At TLC, we want to support you to address your unique medical situation or aesthetic goals with a fuss-free, individually tailored payment plan.
We have options available for a variety of medical loans, including cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery.
You can learn more about your breast augmentation loan options at TLC or apply for a loan by visiting our website, or filling out our contact form.
No matter your reason for undergoing cosmetic or plastic surgery, we’re here to support you on your journey!