The ins and outs of a deep plane face and neck lift with dr george marcells

Often referred to as “turkey neck”, the technical term for a neck lift is platysmaplasty, which originates from the title for the muscles on each side of the neck that extend from the should all the way up to the corner of your mouth. As we age these muscles loosen and combined with excess skin and fat that also tends to store around the neck and jowls area, especially after weight fluctuations, it can contribute to saggy skin and a double chin resulting in an ageing appearance that won’t fix itself not matter how much diet and exercise we do. We had a chat with Dr. George Marcells, one of Sydney’s most popular Facial plastic surgeons about why he prefers the Deep Plane Face and Neck (DPFN) lift which also extends to incorporate the browline.

the ins and outs of a deep plane face and neck lift with dr george marcells

How do you know you’re a good candidate for the Deep Plane Face and Neck Lift?

Dr Marcells tells us that typically, DPFN lift patients tend to be over the age of 40, although occasionally a patient may be younger if genetics are a factor in the motivation behind the surgery. “Patients can range all the way up to 60 or higher. The main thing we look for is that the patient has adequate skin elasticity, otherwise the procedure may not be appropriate. I assess the face in three layers: 1. the bony structure; 2. soft tissue including muscles, fat and ligaments and layer 3. the skin. Neck lift procedures are used to support drooping muscle, fat and ligaments of the face and remove excess skin. Support of the neck fat and skin creates a more youthful and elegant jaw and neck line in women and a more youthful, manly jawline and neck for men.”

A DPFN lift can rectify the following concerns:

  • A “turkey” neck;
  • Jowls that have excess skin that moves whenever the patient moves;
  • Excess fat around the neck due to genetics;
  • Sagging, excess skin laxity on the neck and face from age or massive weight loss;
  • Neck rolls, also known as neck cording or platysmal bands (rolls from the jaw or chin down to the bottom of the neck or top of the chest area.

Dr Marcells says DPFN lift surgery can do wonders to restore a more natural and fresher appearance to a sagging and tired-looking face and neck. “People might consider having this surgery if they look in the mirror and feel that their appearance does not match their psychological impression of themselves or their age, that is, they look older than they feel.”

A DPFN lift is often combined with a brow lift to enhance and soften the complete complete lift. Dr Marcells says they also suggest various non-surgical treatmentssuch as skin needling, peels, laser and light treatments, microdermabrasion, soft tissue fillers and wrinkle treatments may also assist in keeping the skin youthful. Example, wrinkle relaxing injections can help to relax the platysma muscles, reducing the banded or rolled appearance in some patients. A good surgeon will take a holistic approach to your individual circumstances to identify what procedures and treatments will give you the results you are looking for.

Indeed, Dr Marcells says, “A well-performed DPFN lift procedure can reduce a person’s apparent age by 10 years, boosting their confidence and self-esteem.”

The DPFN Lift Procedure

The DPFN lift technique places no tension on the skin and can be performed with tiny incisions and therefore minimal scarring and a skilled surgeon can produce completely natural looking results thought these methods.

These minute incisions are usually made behind (or in front of) your ears or occasionally under your chin through which any excess fat is removed via liposuction or surgical excision, muscles are tightened and underlying tissues are tightened and/or removed, after which the skin is then pulled taut and the incisions closed with sutures. The whole surgery from beginning to end usually takes approximately 6-7 hours, unless there are more complicated requirements.

DPFN lift surgery can completely transform a person’s into a more confident version of themselves. If you’d like to find out more you can contact Dr George Marcells’ clinic on 1300 555 095 or check out the blogs below:

Dr. George Marcells on the Deep Plane Facelift To check out Dr. Marcells’ before and after photos visit his gallery


*This transcript is taken from an interview with Dr. George Marcells and Trish Hammond, founder of Plastic Surgery Hub. We have very gratefully reposted her work to inform and educate our customers. You can find more of Trish’s wonderful articles at:

Trish is a plastic surgery blogger. She is passionate about wellbeing, health and beauty, and doesn’t mind a little bit of ‘help’ from the amazing cosmetic and beauty procedures that are available today. Trish spends her days talking to women and men who are looking for suggestions and advice on procedures that are available to them. Cutting through the sales pitch and hype, a down-to-earth response on general information is what you will get.